enjumeat's Bulletins

character purge

Posted 1 month, 18 days ago by enjumeat

Hello! following my account migration, i want to rid of all the ocs i have on here :)!

I've sorted the characters in price ranges for easier viewing, everything that is unsorted is not for sale

I am down to lower the prices for characters in the +20$ folder ! so don't be afraid to ask <3

what doesn't sell will most likely be deleted

i accept paypal and ko-fi !

Hello! Some of you might know me for my art and designs, some might know me as their friend, and some might just came across my page by accident. However you discovered me, im happy to have you here!

For the past few months, I've had major mental health issues, which I wish to keep private for obvious reasons. Some of said issues stem from my career as an online content creator.

I've came to a realisation that not everything is going as i planned for it to go, and decided that the best thing i could do for myself is to start fresh again, over from the beginning.

So with that, I wanted to announce that I'll be migrating from this account to another account of mine, leaving this account as an archive for my previous works and unsold, low quality ocs.

While I prefer to not share my new tag publicly here, although I am willing to privately share it with people who request it :)

All artwork that I still owe to select few will be transferred and credited with this account, and once all that's owed is done, I will no longer use the alias "enjumeat" anywhere.

I hope it's understandable, and i wish to see you all sometime in the future under my new name~ 

Thank you!