ersatzmedic's Bulletins

free chars! no strings attached

Posted 10 days, 8 hours ago by ersatzmedic (own design folder, now free) (trades folder, now free) (freebies folder, they've always been free. ignore the folder text, you can get 3 per day)


the last two in the first link count as 1 character and come as a bundle! you need instagram so i can transfer their ownership on the masterlist since they belong to a closed species.

fcfs, up to 3 per day! that means you can come back tmrw if you want more :]

mini hiatus

Posted 18 days, 4 hours ago by ersatzmedic

nothing serious, just gonna be gone for a little bit

every time i try to make one it looks like fart 👎

ive been on the bee movie theme since dec 2018 and i decided to switch things up to the night theme... omg it's so different. nothing has really changed but at the same time it's almost like a new website!

[anon poll] do your anthros eat meat?

Posted 1 month, 23 days ago by ersatzmedic

how does it work?

5 Votes they get meat from regular animals
0 Votes they get protein from plant sources
0 Votes they don't need the extra protein
1 Votes mystery meat
0 Votes something else! (comment?)

so i started thinking on the various ways carnivore-type diets can be handled in anthro universes, and i was wondering how others handle the topic!

1. feral, "regular" animals like chickens, fish, cows, etc. still exist and are farmed as they are irl

2. it's handled like beastars, where those who require more protein are able to get it from plant-based sources

3. there's no difference between the diets of different anthros and no meat is involved

4. you don't ever address it, the meat just comes from somewhere 👍

5. it's handled a different way? i'd love to see what everyone thinks!

really pretty free characters!!

Posted 2 months, 15 hours ago by ersatzmedic

they're leaving th and hoping to rehome some unused characters so i wanted to spread the word!

birthday yippie!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 2 months, 12 days ago by ersatzmedic

i'm 21 now! gonna go out n treat myself to some fancy ramen later today :]

feeling bored and would like to start making more designs to get myself back into things :]

these will be done on mystery bases but you can request a species and whether you want feral or anthro! or u can leave it to me

i highly prefer working with color palettes over moodboards/songs/other things

i have some faved palettes here if you need to pick one!

PLEASE feel free to request multiple at once since i'll only work with the ones that inspire me

if you're uncomfortable w public requests you can also dm me with your request(s) :D

btw you don't have to be subbed or anything, but it is appreciated!

looking for commissions!

Posted 2 months, 16 days ago by ersatzmedic

my birthday is coming up soon and i'd like to get some art for my characters as a treat :] please feel free to share your (or anyone's) commission info!

i'm seeking art of anthro and pokemon characters currently. the anthros are mostly canines but i have some cats and horses as well! also i'm reorganizing my characters so my sorting is in shambles, sorry!

i'm interested in icons, headshots/busts, halfbodies, fullbodies, and specialty types like pixel art or animated pieces :] i will also take a look at any YCHs you may have!

i can pay through cashapp or paypal and i don't have a specific budget in mind!

i would highly prefer turnaround time to be under a month at maximum.

please help my friend's dog 🫶

Posted 9 months, 17 days ago by ersatzmedic

skippy is my favorite dog ever and your support would mean a lot to my best friend!! i'd really love to see skip in a better home they need all the support they can get. shares are very very much appreciated!!