ersatzmedic's Bulletins

[promo + myos!] fun fungi species :D

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by ersatzmedic

there's a myo event going on for l. fugies! they're a fungus based species with a liiitle bit of body horror so feel free to check em out if that's your thing! traits can be freely used also!!

[poll] a theory about handedness & art

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by ersatzmedic

question below

3 Votes yes, most of the time
0 Votes nope, i do the opposite
2 Votes it's pretty equal, actually

so, i'm left-handed and i tend to draw characters facing right a lot, in the majority of my art. that got me thinking, do right-handed folks tend to draw characters facing left more often? you can also vote if you're left handed due to the nature of the question, but i'd be kinda shocked if i had many lefties subscribed

poll question in all of its glory: do you more often than not, draw characters facing the opposite way of your drawing hand?

lemme know if the wording is confusing and i'll edit this with a better explanation if needed!

i am FREE

comment to be authorized! + update

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by ersatzmedic

heya, i think i'm slowly going to roll out auth-only permissions for my characters!! meaning you'll be able to see my characters and art again soon. just leave a comment to let me know if you wanna be authorized! i'd prefer if you were at least subbed but if you aren't and still wanna be authorized then uhh... i'll consider it?

at the moment, all of them are completely hidden but they'll be unveiled to authorized people one-by-one as i get to making new references and profiles.

as for the update, i'm trying to overhaul my art style to something more realistic and painterly than before. feel free to stick around or unsub, no judgement either way ^^

i'll probably end up drawing in the old style anyway since it's where my comfort zone is at, but just putting it out there 😎

username: waxwolf > indulgences

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago by ersatzmedic

new username :crabrave: and happy pride to everyone!!

if you're wondering where my characters went, i made them private so that i can work on their profiles (and roll them out back to public as they're finished)

also. art block sucks and i can't draw but hopefully i can back get to that soon

finally got around to that username change, thank you foggy-nerd for the suggestion :D!!

this isn't an april fool's thing and i actually want to change my username because my current one is an unoriginal reference to a fictional character dkfbsjfks

i've been wanting to change it for months now but i am bad at coming up with usernames and i would love to hear how y'all came up with yours!

here are some optional questions for fun:
• is there something that inspired you, or did you just come up with it one day?
• why did you choose it?
• how long have you had your current username?
• what would you go with if you couldn't use your current one?

if you have any suggestions or ideas, please send them here! i'd rather you not comment on this bulletin because they could get sniped which would suck

little art fight tidbit + thoughts!

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago by ersatzmedic

will you participate in art fight 2021?

4 Votes yes
2 Votes maybe
0 Votes nah

hey psst while you're here you should log in to art fight today and take a look at the main page for a secret button

ok now that i said the exciting stuff, it's time for the ✨boring stuff✨
for the past two years of art fight i've procrastinated on uploading and/or updating characters and only finishing like, maybe 3 days into the event? so to prevent that from happening again this year, i'm gonna get started now on making updated character references for my characters who need them, and then actually uploading them a good while before art fight starts. well, that's the plan anyway... all of you have the right to slap me if i procrastinate on that again