farful's Bulletins

doing BETTER!!!

Posted 10 days, 7 hours ago by farful

past few days have been Good thank u people who are so very kind to me and encourage my art and favorite my little guys and silently observe my new posts and such :]

and for people like jayycrowe and Rrrrrribo who entertain my crazed ramblings……


Posted 22 days, 21 hours ago by farful

sorry if I’m late to respond to messages/comments or read/respond to bulletins. I haven’t felt that great mentally and I’ve been pretty busy. I might snap out of this funk but right now it takes a bit of willpower to formulate responses and such

ty to my lovely friends who help me and give me encouragement when I really need it you are so kind to me


Posted 1 month, 4 days ago by farful

hi! we’ve just added two beautiful babies recently to our family and I want u to see them!

this is my creature. her name is lethe (lee-thee) after the nymph/underworld river in greek mythology relating to forgetfulness and oblivion!!


she is veery skinny and long hopefully she will bulk up over the coming months. she hid for the first day under my bed and wouldn’t come out but by the second day she was VERY keen on cuddling ALL THE TIME. like she would find any excuse to drape herself over my arm, chest, etc. SO AFFECTIONATE. my cryptid beast. you’ll notice her eyes are beautiful. and freaking so huge. they are genuinely golden with a green ring around the pupil IMG-3929.jpg



her name is cinderblock, because she looks strikingly like a cinderblock in that she is grey and cinderblocks are also grey. that little face is so unbelievably unreal. I can’t believe such a tiny beast exists I bet her brain is soo small. and her little kidneys?! microscopic, surely


she does nothing but sleep aaall day but if u leave the room she will start crying and sobbing. we think she will grow up to be very hugely massive because her mother is a russian blue. but right now she weighs about the same as a feather. one day she will live up to her name

honorable mentions




when you’re upset do you ever

Posted 1 month, 13 days ago by farful

like mentally throw things and break things and rip things apart. when I’m upset if you look in my brain there’ll probably be a feral komodo dragon going absolutely berserk destroying my mental landscape of library shelves and filing cabinets and ripping various things (sometimes the object of my RAGE) apart I think it helps a lot do you also do thiz

(feel free to let me know what YOUR mental space looks like. mines kinda lame when u consider that your happy mental place can be anything in the world)

it’s either that or thinking about my happy little favorite character (gillion tidestrider) to calm myself down

art trades

Posted 1 month, 23 days ago by farful

hi!  I wanna keep doing some trades after art fight so pleas comment if you’d be willing ! in the near future since I’m a little busy at the moment with some things ,.

happy artfight everyone!!

Posted 1 month, 25 days ago by farful

HAPPY ARTIFGHT END!! I just wanted to thank everyone who attacked me this year (crazy sentence to say) and everyone who commented on my attacks on them<:) it was such a nice year and I just love everyone here and I’m gonna try to still revenge some people even though it’s over since I feel bad ahehh

41 attacks, 1037 points

feel free to share ur personal stats!!!! and fav attack/defense too if u want !! watch ur back next year..

link ur sonaz

Posted 1 month, 30 days ago by YYYAYY ME GENUINELY farful

any1 wanna link their sonas to mine:3 send in ur link reqs pls:333

adopt reqs

Posted 2 months, 17 days ago by farful

hi! give me interesting species or concepts/themes you’d like to see maybe !

OO maybe outfits too :3c

eo on everyone except

Posted 3 months, 3 days ago by farful

except sonas/mains/sillies and u can check out my other purge post too ! https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1908701.purgefreebies

also sorry if late/no response for a bit I’m not having the best go of things but I’m figuring it out!! also btw u should probably download all ur artfight targets’ refs right now because the site’ll be waay laggy on the first week or so probably. I thought I’d say something since I always forget and then fall victim to lag

ask my ocs anything =3c

Posted 3 months, 28 days ago by farful

shamelessly stealing from outliarr I thought it’d be fun :b