
All Characters

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Mist & Magic

The story and world most expansive... and one I hide the most info about. Here's where my OCs Aerandir and Farraige are from, along with some suporting cast and lore entries I'm willing to share

Hunt: Failed

The story (specifically, the characters) I'm developing for a webcomic. While I dont focus much on them for the time being, they'll occur more in the future when I get to that comic (eventually)

Victorian Tail

Another story that I have little intention to do anything with for the time being. My playground for critterfolk (furries) and victorian era aesthetics


An assortment of monster characters with no huge lore and world connected with them. This is where my character Ollpha resides in and other fun monster girls. And also a collection of fauns (i love fauns)

Fan Characters

The folder of Indulgence. Mostly random self-inserts or partial/loose self-inserts. And one very cute italian child

TTRPGs (Mostly DND)

All my characters I play/have played in TTRPGS. This includes my oc Tip, another couple of self-inserts, and The Lizard Man


All other characters I don't have anywhere to put. Including my fursona and a small collection of little guys

HTML by Pinky

original character farraigeart needs art has none needs art has a little fantasy monster human monster girl neopets monster boy dungeons and dragons faun fan character furry dragon monster hunter monster hunter world fairy ttrpg worldbuilding