Deus Videt

Deus Videt is an LGBT sci-fi/fantasy story (and hopefully a webcomic soon?? ?) influenced by gnostic and hebrew mythology

Descrip: A benevolent and advanced race of beings called Demiurges are tasked with governing the material world, able to change and manipulate matter at will. Considering themselves to be gods who have sovereignty over all other lifeforms, they find worlds that they think are in need of their help and guide them into peace and prosperity. They are proud and overconfident, however; they often underestimate just how much they have in common with humanity. 

Elyon is a demiurge who has an obsession for perfection and purity—he hates flaw to the point where he destroys anything that threatens his warped idea of perfection. The other Demiurges brand him a threat, banishing him from their lavish realm and forcing him to live as a human until he learns to control his power. He begrudgingly teams up with his long time friend (and something of a nuisance) Orias, an obnoxious Demiurge who snuck to earth to live a carefree life without responsibility. Being hedonistic and frivolous, he embodies everything Elyon doesn't like about humans—but he needs Orias's help to avoid Dione, the cunning and ruthless Demiurge who wants nothing more than to see him dead. 

In the midst of this a young human girl becomes hopelessly intwined in the Demiurges' conflict, and her idealistic spirit is tested as she must make choices that have irreversible outcomes. 

I'm still working on the descrip but that's the gist of's a super long and kind of confusing story so I'm in the process of streamlining and organizing it into a coherent plot rn!!

it has themes of the impact of mental illness on interpersonal relationships and coming to terms with the fact that the people most important in your life may hate integral parts of you and theres nothing you can do about it ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ wow edgy

god alien goddess