feyrielights's Bulletins

cross posting purge <3

Posted 2 months, 4 days ago by feyrielights

lifes a lil bit crazy right now and my job is uncertain so im just bumping/adevrtising characters & sales!
commissions will also open as soon as i get due art done (planning to work on today)

i'll dm you if its a trade or art that's caught my attention
i appreciate any interest & offers thrown my way <3

atm in NOT specifically looking for art. im looking for feline, anthro, and humanoid ocs!
(interested in masculine fantasy outfit designs for him...)


https://toyhou.se/22757146.taipanbrazier any amount! preferably no less than $20

https://toyhou.se/22680140.gardenfrost DO NOT WANT TO ASSOCIATE W/ THIS DESIGNER AT ALL, WANT GONE

anthros / etc!

https://toyhou.se/16821439.pyrite $80 (might also look at trades but will be EXTREMELY picky)

https://toyhou.se/242547.lulu $20 (lowest $10 but i will be extremely tent)

https://toyhou.se/9728786.fraise $55 or witnyess swaps :33

https://toyhou.se/9728786.fraise $35 or loon/hiu swaps (or VERY picky trades)

https://toyhou.se/5854515.5-trades $5

https://toyhou.se/12406884.5-trades $5

https://toyhou.se/1918752.10-trades $10

https://toyhou.se/3386660.10-trades $10

https://toyhou.se/8397311.10-trades $10

https://toyhou.se/9939676.sophie $20

trades only purge





