Siren Call Corsairs

Current Members of the Siren's Call: Captain: 

  • Caerus Fenimore [Fisher] - left his home in a rather grandiose manner, boasting that he would make it better out on the seas as a pirate rather than some craftsman on an island worshipping a long dead god. Still comes home from time to time to visit, because who can truly abandon their roots? He's sorta regarded as a kind of local rogue, but in a good way in that he brings trade and tourists in for Kailano. Probably not what he was intending, but whatever lol. 
  • First Mate: Taranis Watts [Robber] – was once either a Crafter or a Sweeper in life (he doesn’t really remember well) and served as the first mate on a merchant sloop before it hit shallow shoals and marooned. Crew either died or left to find help, leaving Taranis to guard the vessel and what little cargo was left. How or when he died…the details are fuzzy…but he remembers being woken up by a rather rude Fisher… 
  • Doctor: Enio Tzri [Robber] - a very old Robber who was 'fished' out of the sea from a lonely lifeboat along with a nearly drowned Sweeper during a storm.  After finding out he had medical skills, he was begged to stay aboard.  Along with his medical knowledge, Enio also has vast knowledge of military/navy tactics, ocean currents, weather patterns and various other things that would make him a valuable asset to anyone, alive or dead.
  • Master Gunner/Cook: Zephir Guilles [Sweeper] - rescued from near drowning during a storm, Zephir found himself settling right in with the little crew of the Corsairs.  Gifted with knowledge of large artillery as well as being dexterous with most things sharp and pointy, the Fishers around him found him to be quite entertaining.  Not only that, but he could cook a damn good meal to boot!  Gone were the days of fish bone gruel once Zephir joined the ranks of the Corsairs!
  • Lookout/Cabin boy/Odd jobs: Fishball Skip [Fisher] - a young Fisher who decided one day that Taranis was the best thing that could ever exist and started following him around.  Since they couldn't get him to leave, Caerus just made Fishball executive director of all things odds and ends on the ship.  When he's not harassing Taranis, Fishball is high up in the ropes and rafters of the sails gazing out into the vast open waters with wide, longing eyes.