Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Hello there! Im very happy you stopped by, I just have a few rules on my profile that I’d really appreciate you following.

1. Please do not rp/kin/heavily reference my characters without explicit permission from me.

 A lot of my characters are very important to me, I base them off parts of myself. In some cases, they even represent aspects of my past trauma. I would find it extremely disrespectful to take these characters out of the context that only I know, so please refrain from doing so. 

2. Please do not interact with me if you post hateful content of any kind. 

This includes racism, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia, aphobia, sexism, ableism, “pro-shipping” rhetoric, conservatism, fujoshi stuff, and/or abuse apologism. 

This absolutely encompasses crypto-fascist imagery, “historical symbols” that have been coopted by hate groups, and anything even tangentially related to these ideas.

3. Please be aware of individual trigger warnings and rules attached to specific 

Some of my characters come with special rules and warnings. On your first viewing of their page, please read through their additional regulations and trigger warnings.

Please note your consent will be stored in cookies until your session is closed.

No thanks!