flickermouse's Bulletins

You have to be VERY quick though! Quick, like a bunny! There is also a rockin' raffle for a special design right now too. Join the Velvs. 

So I think I've been on ToyHouse for maybe a year? Just over a year? But I've only really been using it and getting to grips with it in the past 6 months. I was doing some routine maintenance of things and noticed that I have not properly tagged and credited some characters! :o 

I think this has happened mostly in cases where I've uploaded the character art and wasn't able to check if the designer was on TH at the time, so I will be going back through things and making sure everything is as it should be   I'll do this for art as well.

Apologies for any pings you might experience whilst I fix things.

Managed to slip the 'rents and go exploring in the bog. Recording sights and smells for accuracy: dead stuff; rotten plants; wet dirt smell, but not the nice kind; odd whiff of something nice but I am sus. Rizz's mataaru smells worse in the bog too. Glad I don't have to help wash him afterwards.

Signs of curio life all point to recent rather than dead-and-gone (shame) but since when did the bog get filled with cool and creepy people?! And giants. You'd think SOMEONE woulda noticed the giant flower man. Better for me though - my discovery and all that jazz. Del and Lio are cool...kinda feel bad for throwing stuff at Del (only chocolate bars) but promised to make it right. Definitely one future book, maybe two, will be dedicated to him and his bro :) :) :)

I should actually say hello :D

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by flickermouse

I was sprucing things up on TH the other day and it dawned on me that I only ever used my bulletins for promoting species events or giveaways, etc. I've never posted anything about my characters or my art or various other things xD So I'd like to fix that :3 

Arty things
My main art gallery can be found on DeviantArt, though I periodically add more character art to specific profiles here too. A lot of my work currently centers on ARPGs and such, though I do have some original character and story concepts brewing away in the background ;) I've been doing digital illustration for a good old while, started to dabble in comics in 2021, and now I am dancing the danger-tango with ANIMATION <3 (Absolutely loving it, still a ways off from making animated shorts but I'm getting there.) 

Influences for me (over my many years, lol) include Mike Mignola, Ricardo Delgado (Age of Reptiles), Jill Thompson (Beasts of Burden), Vera Brosgol, and animated series like Samurai Jack, Batman (the 90's series), and Disney's Gargoyles (best show EVER, fight me).

I open commissions and art trades a few times a year, currently working around coursework deadlines. Exciting things afoot in this regard - hoping to fine-tune the art options a bit, and long-term I might be able to offer things like simple animatics   I love doing charatcer-focused pieces, so things like expression/gesture sheets and images that have some story behind them. 

Adoptables and all that jazz
I feel like I literally stumbled into Scatterstar Isles and to my shame, I can't remember the piece of artwork that first caught my eye and lead me there :( But I loved the lore and world-building right away. I nestled into the corner of the Discord sever, the community scooped me up and gave me a big hug, and I've never looked back xD It definitely helped strengthen some art skills through 1) regular story-based events to participate in, and 2) a freedom to make your own character-driven stuff within the world (as long as you don't break the in-game setting). 

Not long after getting a taste for arting again, I then found Daiten Shrine. This is also another lovely community with an active Discord server, themed events throughout the year, and a very dedicated admin and art team. This CS has even more freedom, and I love the charity focus too - you acquire MYOs by donating to a charity that the group is supporting. 

Other CS and/or ARPGs I'm just getting into include Secati and Grabuki, and I like to keep my eyes open for interesting Plant-Fu designs too :3 (Can you spot the theme with these three? MONSTERS <3) On top of this, I do like to cruise TH for one-off designs as well. As mentioned above, I have some ideas brewing for my own worlds and storylines and they always need populating with interesting characters. I tend to lean towards humanoid, monster-esque, paranormal, etc, but sometimes a design just hits <3

In particular, I am interested in making one-off adoptables but I'm not sure I have that particular spark for it just yet. I don't know how to articulate it but when I see good adoptable designs, there is a unification of concept to art that just fits together nicely. I think I have the art skills but maybe not the particular sparkle that makes an adoptable concept *good*, if that makes sense? xD But I'll get there   If you're interested in adoptable or CS trades and all that, I have my wishlist set up in one of my folders. I'm always open to polite discussion.

Anything else?
Learning to play the piano, which is ace :3 Keen cyclist. Bit of a day-dreamer. Crepuscular (which sounds horrible, but actually means 'active in twilight hours'). Hopefully going to learn how to kayak this year. Living with some complex health conditions but trying to stay chipper <3 Life is too short to be boring.

I followed Seraphyre since the interest check. Beautiful species crafting and lore, also perfect for anyone who likes enchanted dolls. https://toyhou.se/~forums/5868.species-discussion/336974.-seraphyre-launch-free-myo-event- 

I’m back with another Suga Creeps share :D This time it’s their Halloween event, where you can get a MYO and a special hybrid candy to make the monster mashup of your sweet dreams. https://toyhou.se/~forums/5868.species-discussion/268458.-suga-creeps-september-raffle- 

Daiten October MYO Event

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by flickermouse

Not that this species needs any advertising (because it’s AWESOME and the community is lovely) but if you’ve ever wanted a Daiten, now is the time - there is a MYO event! :D

But only until October 4th. Get a wiggle on! https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/962379.2022-october-myo-event 

The trait sheets have been recently revamped, some traits reshuffled and made common, etc, so now is a great time to jump in. Even better - if you want to get any special traits for your MYO, new shops have opened making it easier than ever to get special traits AND all money goes to charity.

=In the interests of openness, this is not a ‘share this event and get something for free’ post. I have written this bulletin because I love the species and the community and more people should def join in.= 

I’m at it again, cruising for pretty CS to interact with. These come with some really lovely concepts and lore so definitely check them out :D https://toyhou.se/~forums/5868.species-discussion/329823.-velaveil-myo-event- 

I spotted these as an interest-check a while back and have been so excited to see them launch! If you like your Lovecraft influences then you should check out the Bysmalbats launch event :3 - https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/931570.bysmalbat-myo-launch-event 

Like coffee? Like magic? Caffae Cafe has the perfect blend and they have an autumn event happening right now :) - https://toyhou.se/~forums/5868.species-discussion/327040.the-caffae-caf--autumn-2022-myo-event-