

college campus antics, late-night coffee, study groups, the beginning of new friendships and careers (includes magic and powerful scientists)

eury -  Botanist/Professor of Biology, milkys mother, doesn’t care much for teaching but loves it when her students take an interest in plant studies, has a pet Venus fly that she likes to have around 

bailey - robotics engineering, gay, very quiet, best friend is milky, prefers a quiet lonely library over a large rowdy group 

milkweed - undecided, probably biology Or environmental science, baileys best friend but dating xia and navi

jo - the only person who will make you feel great! lives in a little house by herself where she can practice her magic , does attend university - astronomical studies

Closed Species JBD NFT Single Shipped chickensmoothie buttermilk Mature DTBAY AU babie Self Ship OTP mermaid Old Char shipped personal OC RPW main Closed Spedies