Don't Hover

Don't Hover

Horror . Romance?

Don't Hover is one of my original stories.

A girl in her late 20s named Kiana (Kiki for short) with a love of cute mascot memorabilia gets a new job at a wealthy couple's mansion to fund her obsession. She signs off on an NDA thinking nothing of it and that rich people just work for the government or something. The new job in question is to help two immortals who are in love with each other hunt each other for sport on a biweekly basis. Because of their regenerative powers, they are fully healed within 2 days. The immortal couple explains that because everything in life has become so dull, this is their only way to truly have fun or even experience death themselves as they haven’t found a way for themselves to truly die, they always come back.

The protagonist and the other new hires are shocked but slowly get used to the couple's antics and regeneration processes. Because of the NDA, they aren't allowed to speak a word about their work to anyone (messing around with the idea of a magical contract that keeps them quiet but it's still in da works). Their daily duties for helping them are making sure their underground arena and facilities are up to par and that the weapons they use are safely secured. To advise each spouse of the rules of each hunt as they change things to “spice it up” in their words.

But what happens when the (human) head butler is murdered in the house? Distrust and fear spread around the staff and the heads of the manor. They aren’t allowed to leave until the killer is found.


