Oozebeing species

Born from the secretions and sheddings of Croilobi, oozebeings are primarily categorised by the "ooze" that have initiated their birth and their relation with the ooze.


Origin types have their individual disadvantages and advantages against other origin types. Oozebeings originating from blood, biles, and phelgm are common. Those originating from tears and flesh, however, are not and are thus those are deemed "special".



There are three main classes of oozebeings -

  • Pure ⇒ made entirely out of ooze
    • Highly adaptable and easy to maintain
    • Some can only be formed by mixing ooze extract from two different oozebeings
    • Extraction of ooze from pure oozebeings should only be carried out by a highly trained individual
  • Infused ⇒ a pre-existing living thing that was turned into an oozebeing
    • Due to initially being a living creature, it does not entirely rely on the ooze for its survival.
    • It is easier to extract a substantial amount of ooze from infused oozebeings without harming them. Some may even excrete excess ooze out as waste!
    • Please do not deliberately expose a living creature to ooze in order to make one of these, it's not worth it.
  • Animated ⇒ a pre-existing non-living thing that was turned into a living oozebeing
    • Can be created by exposing an inanimate object to ooze.
    • Easier to find in cities and towns.
    • Less stable compared to other classes, don't even attempt to extract ooze from these.