Story Ideas

Characters in this folder are part of larger story ideas. Each subfolder represents a different world/story idea. 

As time goes on, they might end up separating into other stories, or combining together to make new ones. I'm more of a designer than a writer but we'll see what happens with all of this stuff.

They're sorted loosely in order of when I first came up with the idea for the characters/world. It's hard to nail down anything exact, lol. Also naming things is hard so these are all working titles subject to change. Hopefully they're descriptive enough to distinguish them lol but here's a guide

  1. sanitation workers - an airship crew that deals in garbage disposal but finds themselves mixed up in much larger troubles
  2. World Building - an aspiring writer travels to other worlds for her story ideas.
  3. the nightmare thing - a spirit that eats nightmares finds themselves trapped in the consciousness of a teen girl.
  4. delivery gone wrong - a delivery girl and parkour enthusiast is recruited by a monarch's son to become his private bodyguard.
  5. subject superhero - an engineering prodigy uses her older sibling and her mentor's latest android as test subjects for her own experiments.
  6. chrys and saul et al - i honestly still don't have anything concrete for this yet, I just like drawing the two main characters a lot
  7. alien tenants - a girl that hunts ghosts and desperately wants to have her first for-real supernatural encounter instead comes across a different genre of paranormal holed up in a local abandoned house: a group of extraterrestrials posing as humans.
  8. AI theme park - a high tech VR amusement park populated by hologram staff which features various virtual performers and attractions.
  9. The Orange Witch - a family of witches and their exploits both within and without the human realm
  10. Dimensions - a story(?) about me and my friends from 2002-2004 ish, based loosely on our LARP adventures during recess.