glacier's Bulletins

poll - what would u like to see more of?

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by glacier


9 Votes adopts !!
12 Votes giveaways/raffles !!
11 Votes open commissions officially !!
0 Votes other !! (comment)

curious on the general consensus so i know what to focus on in the future !!!! 

about this !!

i most likely wont have the time for it aFDJN,, absolutely swamped with work and art,,,,,

but feel free to leave a comment and i might do it if i have the motivation/time!! probably open to just anyone who comments idk man,,


for comms!! im probably closing them,,, i'll make an official comm bulletin when i finally get through them! for now, feel free to ask for pings either on my profile or here! that is all,, ty for all of ur guys' patience wAA <333

who am i to u? (because im curious)

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by glacier


1 Votes mutuals!
8 Votes i just think ur art's neat!
3 Votes friend!!! !!!! !!!! !!!!! !!!!!!!
19 Votes inspo???? ??
9 Votes someone i'd like to know better! (feel free to dm me anytime !!!)
0 Votes (you took everything from me), i dont even know who you are
0 Votes honestly if i saw that damn thing in my living room i'd stomp on it until it was a small brown stain
1 Votes c,,,r,,ush,,,
2 Votes none of the above or all of the above


(nm) go check out these adopts!!

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by glacier !!! 

she's super talented but often undersells her designs :(( go check em out!!! <333

i'd buy but most of my characters end up sitting in my th collecting dust,, pensive emoji
& i know i dont have a huge following or anything but i wanted to give it a try advertising for others jGFD

tentatively doing art fight??AAa?Aa

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago by glacier

the title !! this is my first year actually joining,, i'm just testing out the waters a little,, probably just attacking mutuals?? idk !!

super cute nd cool art comms !! (nm)

Posted 3 years, 6 days ago by glacier

go check it out !!!! their art is adorable and they're such a cool person in general !!! :00