goombus's Bulletins

guys help ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ™

Posted 2 days, 35 minutes ago by goombus

i got a site notice bc i accidentally picked "resource" instead of "ad" am i cooked & how does this affect my account bc idk

sad-spongebob.gifmy folder was like that before the drama I forgot to change itย 

(nle is his replacement)


Posted 13 days, 5 hours ago by goombus

Hi! Iโ€™ve gone through as much owed art as I could in the past two days. recently Iโ€™ve been going through some medical problems including a partial hamstring tear sustained during cheer practice and possbile cancer/skin condition(?) (waiting for results) + a recent breakup. All of this combined has caused owed art and such to become a bit slower to create. please remind me if I owe you anything and thank you for reading this! :)