
When Drew Baker found his apartment for his second year of college, he didn't expect he'd end up just down the hall from Andy Baler. With names one letter off from each other, it didn't take long for them to get each other's mail — and a lot of it. The first time, Andy came by with some packages of Drew's and an awkward apology (even though it wasn't his fault), but every time since, they've stopped to chat.

Drew has long since realized that this issue could be easily fixed if he didn't use his full first name, Andrew, for all of his mail — but, admittedly, he likes having the excuse for Andy to pop by and stick around for a chat and maybe a cup of coffee. Andy, similarly, is aware that he could use 'Andy' for his deliveries, too, but if he did that, what excuse would he have to keep talking to Drew while he tries to come up with a way to ask the guy out?

Their neighbors, the Lumen brothers, are simultaneously annoyed and amused with their antics, viewing from a distance, as are the friends they share the stories with (like Artem's buddy Kei — or Kouhai, as he's been dubbed by their friend group). When the day comes that The Andrews actually get together, Artem's thinking about throwing a party.