
general rules

i. goobies are a closed species. you may not make your own without permission or the appropriate items. ii. be kind, respectful, and patient with all members of the community, staff and otherwise. iii. harassment, bullying, and otherwise breaking cs rules in anyway are not tolerated. iv. art theft and design theft of any kind are forbidden. this is also a rule enforced by cs. v. excessive bumping of competitions is not appreciated. the staff team can take up to a month to judge if needed. vi. whining, begging, and other behaviors that can be seen as detrimental are not appreciated. vii. for paid contests, you have 48 hours from the completed judging to pay.

species rules

i. you may own an unlimited amount of goobies. ii. goobies may be bred infinitely, with a cooldown between of 21 days. you must own a goob 7 days before being breeding. iii. a goo is able to be grown after 14 days. a freshly grown goob must wait an additional 7 days to breed. iv. goobies with custom lines must be transferred to the official reference to be breedable. v. goob traits that cover a large portion of the design will require an alternate, clear reference. vi. anyone may grow or transfer a goob, on or off oekaki using the appropriate pages. goob growths and transfers may also be commissioned. vii. anyone may create your myo for you, on or off oekaki. myo designs may also be commissioned. viii. goobies, items, and myos may be traded or gifted via the archive update thread. ix. goobies and myos may be sold for real or virtual currency.

for sale Potential Trade guild wars 2 closed species gw2 guild wars chicoon grifflies CS jingles dino chimera Riinthene moxils kalon tabby tiger For Sale fernhound anthro chicoons For sale Closed species keldines dinosaur