

sonas . faves . off limits

this is where i put my sonas, and forever homed characters.

2 Sides , 1 Coin

mafia . revenge . poker

a story set in the 70s where two men who cannot escape fate, and must face the consequences of their actions.

P . P . O

rivalry . cars . heartbreak

"Passion, Possession, Obsession" is the story of a man who gets lost in his works, trying to achieve his goal of fame.


futuristic . war . deception

an abandoned story about the lower class trying to overthrow their corrupt government

Death to the stars

warriors . murder . control

a warrior cat oc story about a dark ideology seeping into the clans about starclan and prophecy cats


other . feral . anthro

this is where i put my characters that don't fit into my other larger stories, or i'm still trying to figure out where to fit them.

Directory HTML by Pinky