all characters belonging to the "Lab EAS" (Enhanced Animal Superhumans) universe are here.

Lab EAS is an incredibly high tech lab in a remote european forest, that focuses on genetically merging humans with animals to create hypothetical superhumans for military uses. they take advantage of families who don't want their children or can't afford them and take the kids off their hands to experiment on. From adding wings onto people, to giving them fox ears to enhance hearing, Lab EAS does it all. It's highly illegal, but is funded by the governments of certain countries who would like an edge on their military tactics so everyone turns a blind eye.

problem is, the people working in Lab EAS are inhumane and downright terrible to their subjects, which is why after 70 years of operation, the current subjects of Lab EAS broke out, and destroyed the lab as well as everyone else in it in a daring event that has come to be known as the great escape. these are the subjects after that event.