guineapig's Bulletins

she art on my fight

Posted 6 days, 15 hours ago by guineapig

going for seafoam mostly because i assume most people will be on stardust which equals more targets (also i like the colors more)


gonna be working on my OC profiles over the next few weeks until artfight so don't mind the mess for now (sob) btw i'm lacking a specific list of people to attack this year so if you want to be on mine feel free to comment your blorbos ^_^


Posted 2 months, 23 days ago by guineapig i'm on this website btw follow me ^_^ let's get to ONE BILILON SUBSCRIBER!!!!!

silly CS alert !!!

Posted 1 year, 10 days ago by guineapig

my friend made a very cool looking space-themed CS ^_^

characters ufo :sunglasses:

Posted 3 years, 3 days ago by guineapig

hello, i have many characters i would like to get rid of! basically all of them are free, they're not exactly... high in quality, so i'm just kind of hoping somebody wants them at this point-

^ everyone in here is up for grabs; if you try to ask for someone from another folder, there's a low chance i'll give them to you (not for free, anyways) feel free to ask for multiple :sunglasses: