guppypaw's Bulletins


Posted 2 months, 12 days ago by guppypaw

all 50% off besides the toxiccatxd design [camio]!

RP/OPC FRIENDS, casual, long-term!

Posted 2 months, 20 days ago by guppypaw

Hey guys! I'm looking for ppl to vibe with! I have tons of characters to explore/make. Feel free to explore my folders and ask about specifics. 
Open to tons of fandoms! SU, Dainties, Warriors, literally anything including custom worlds?

Looking for 16+ cause I'm an adult (24)!!!

mawsspit on DISCORD

You don't have to be my mutual! I'm open to new friends


Dainty Relations! <3

Posted 7 months, 10 days ago by guppypaw

Hi! So i want to see if I connect with any of my remaining dainties! 
if ur interested dm me/ comment below!

mawsspit on discord


I figured I’d make a ping list for those who were interested in my dainties! This is where you would need to comment so I can line y’all up in order! : D 

I will clean the wording up and make lists here so I know who to contact per which dainty <3 

thanks for all the love and support for me and my dainty designs kissy