gut's Profile Comments

cishet Hi! could i please get these guys from the free folder ^^?

and can i ask what you'd accept for this character :3?

i can't offer usd rn sadly >_<


HI srry about the wait but sending over the ocs you asked for now!! 

id consider anything for watermellone ^_^ i prefer trades but id also be down to look at art/customs/whatever else!

cishet thanks so much :D for watermellone i can offer art, anyone here or a custom ^^ up to you!


yea all ocs in unsorted are ufo!! i am always in need of usd but other than that i am willing to consider anything else :]

hh I can do as much custom/art as u want (as long as it’s not over 50 for one single character hh 😭) and can also add characters!! :o


im a little tent on cadaver so i think im going to hold onto him for a bit longer but i could definitely take 2 customs for the other ones!! (one custom for each of the characters :]c)

OOH I CAN DEFINITELY DO THAT!! I was mainly intrested in them anyways 👁️👁️!!

should we discuss about it in discord ?

Hi ru still intrested?

hi i hope offers are ok! feel free to delete or ignore this if not ^^;
does anyone in my sales folder (multiples totally ok!):

interest you for either of them? im most interested in wheatley :3c


you have a lot of cute characters but i dont see anyone that i'd use!! tysm for your interest though :]

all good! thanks for looking regardless ^^ if you’ll ever be looking at USD or art offers for wheatley do let me know!


oh id definitely consider usd or art!! especially usd since i gotta buy sm cat supplies soon :]

oh sick!! i'll have some cash around the middle-end of the month, how much are you looking for? i have to budget a bit when it comes to characters so i gotta max out at $25 but im more than happy to add some art to balance it out!


i think id take like. 20 for them with no addons but id def b willing to haggle down on that amt 4 a mixed offer!! :D

3 Replies
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Hi!! I like these three in your offers folder:

Would you trade for anyone here?


im pretty tent on poro but for either of the other ones i was interested in !!

Ya no problem! Would you be willing to do both of them for that character or potentially do one of them + art?


i could do both of them!! ill transfer them over :]

Tysm!! I’ll send them over to your main ^^

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I know this and the other character are anonymous gifts. If you remember who sent them, can you tell them I said thank you? :]


i'll do that right now! im glad you're enjoying them :]

Thank you! I hope it’s not a bother.


not at all!! 

hey me and my best friend (Xxsnowfur-kindcatxX) where looking trough your free pets and wanted to adopt these:

i want to adopt: &

my purpose is because im making a tribe and need few more ocs, and i love new ocs, ^^ 


she wants to adopt: & & & (she's an devianart user, but doesn't have a toyhouse, so send them too me ill send them to her) 

her purpose to use them is for roleplay and drawing.


sending all of them over! i hope you two enjoy them :]

yes we sure will, thank you aloy buddy <3

Got all the free oc's I wanted ty for giving them to me :D


its no problem!! i hope u enjoy them <3
