Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

General Warnings
  • My account contains: Body Horror, Horror, Gore/Blood, Bright colors, Abusive/Traumatic themes, violence, and suggestive words.
  • On my account I will never mention, discuss, or tolerate about political material, blasphemous material (I’m a strong Christian, so please.), and anything racist or homophobic.
  • Again, NEVER talk about political material, blasphemous material (I’m a strong Christian), and anything racist or homophobic within my account, as I will put you on my black list if you do.
  • Do not steal, copy, take, or base off of my designs and characters.
  • Racists
  • Homophobic/Zoos/lolicons/proshippers
  • Assholes, toxic shits. Don’t bother coming on my page if you’re going to be rude to me and other users.
  • Anyone who supports blasphemy. (I’M A RELIGIOUS CHRISTIAN.)
  • None yet.

I’m really extroverted and I love making new friends, just please keep my rules and DNI in mind! 🫀

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No thanks!