halcyon-'s Bulletins

coyote’s t.o.s

Posted 8 months, 20 days ago by halcyon-

"read before you order!!!"

coyote’s t.o.s

please read !

Please read the entire thing! It’s not very long, I promise you. When you commission me, you agree by all of these terms.

✧ I will always put school, grades, homework, and anything related academically before are commissions. My education is worth a lot to me. ✧ I absolutely WILL NOT draw anyhthing that is NSFW, is discriminatory, or has swear words.✧ Do not steal or claim my characters or art as your own. ✧ Do not sell or trade away a character or design from me for more than you paid for it without adding any additional art, writing, your own coding, etc,,, ✧ Do not start hate groups with my art as we support EVERYBODY here!!! ✧ When you receive your commissioned art from me, please do not claim it as your own or use it as a base. You may only use it as a base if you have my explicit permission to. ✧ Thank you for reading my t.o.s!