03. monsters

-do NOT confuse monsters for wild kiddos™ these are completely different

- theres no real 'plot' or whatever to this world, just angels demons and fiends that i wanted to design and make being gay and having fun . also murder


  • theres humans, demons, and angels, each who have respective worlds! theres also 'fiends' who can live in either the demonic or human worlds.
  • the angels and demons generally speaking hate eachother, and both want to lay claim over the human world for themselves because thats where both of their 'food' sources are
    • both angellic and demonic beings feed off the souls of humans and other beings that inherit that world, but in different ways.
      • angels feed off human souls when they die. powerful angels can turn humans into angels
      • demonic beings feed off of human souls whenever they want; generally causing havoc in the human world
    • fiends tendencies vary species to species, but many are known to cause issues in the human world

human female monsters cis needs art trans Saint Acolyte male gaeforla update art peculiar dnd needs new art minor adult sheher experiments pansexual bisexual