

A world where so called angellic creatures have descended upon the earth, slowly burning it to death.

Extract from Triscum Lavitae, VOL II: "Elytrium (singular: Elytria) are creatures made of pure fire, as bright as the sun and more destructive than life itself. Years ago they descended upon the planet, choosing it as their place of residence- or, rather, they posessed the bodies of once humans."

When people of twelve-foot tall flame began to pop up around the globe, there were mixed replies. Government attempts to figure out what was happening was hindered by public hysteria, and religeous hysteria was only somewhat contained by the amount of people that treated Elytrium as angels- or even gods- that had come to rescue them.

It didn't matter what people thought, in the end- Elytrium were here to burn, and burn they did, tearing both the Earth and bonds between people apart.

Eventually, a scientist pinned down the way Elytrium spread- a small link inset into a person's DNA, one that multiplied expponentially over the course of only a few days. The signs of turning into a vessel for Elytrium were difficult to discern until the later stages, where ones eyes would turn gold only moments before they kneeled over and burst into flames.

The world was torn into groups, based on what people thought of Elytria: religeous fanatics, ones that dedicated entire religeous structures to them; apologists, ones that swore the people were still in there somewhere; those that wanted to hunt them down; and the Elytrium themselves.

The Government eventually came up with a task force to deal with the Elytrium before they burned down the entire planet, tasking them with hunting down Eluytria and either containing or exterminating them. A search for a cure is ongoing by people of science, though so far, it's been futile.

The fact remains though, that... despite their initial reign of terror, Elytria tended to tone down their firey reign after a while, becoming wanderers of the desolate world they had created.


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