
ProXy is a band consisting of Himelda,Penelope, and previously King. 

Himelda and King became friends via turf war. After a day consistently losing and were about to call it a day, King and Himelda had gotten paired up in a team and won their first matches for the day. After finding out how well they had worked together, they began to only do turf together as a duo.

King had met Penelope as he was trying to sell stuff around inkopolis he thought he was pretty funny to watch until Penelope roped him in to help him sell stuff and now they are friends by an unwilling choice.

As the three had become friends and played games together often, they had paired up with Val who was quite a well known turf and ranked player. Val enjoyed their dysfunctional team and had decided to stick around because she had fun with them and wanted to continue having more fun. Whilst she is the only good turf/ranked player on the team, she’s pretty attached to this mess of a family.

After becoming friends they had formed a squad in hopes to become a top X rank team. Tho due to their lack of working together and skill it was really hard for them. Val had tried to help them as much as she could but since she did have other obligations with other she could only help so much.  After sitting around and thinking what they could do together they had realized that they each had a hobby that with enough practice could get better and maybe even good enough to amazed people. Himelda begins to then practice her lyric writing and rapping, while king starts to pick up writing music since he had an interest in music and as well learn how to rap with Himelda. Penelope wanted to learn guitar so he took lessons and took care of business while Val decided to learn drums since. After a few months, long nights of practice and endless days of creating music they soon became an underground band. Their goal was to create music that could strike fear in others. Music that came from their will of wanting to be X rank but putting their energy in something else they were more skilled at and becoming memorable people there. And this the underground rapping rock band ProXy was born. Their popularity and current music releases remain unknown as they are a very underground. Their popularity status is also unknown but according to Penelope their single sells pretty well, so they must be pretty popular, but u know what happens underground stays underground. King leaves the group after releasing their single due to meeting queen and starting their AIKATSU

No one knows why King left ProXy. Himelda believes that Queen stole King from them.The Gucci gang still pester King to get the band back together. They are all still friends and still hang out, but king would rather not be seen with them in public.

King leaves ProXy since he doesn’t believe his music fits the style of ProXy. He does believe that without ProXy he wouldn’t have gotten the practice or learned as much without them. He keeps his old band life a secret bc he feels that it was a very different image of himself he’d rather not share. He feels more comfortable performing with Queen.