The Evanescents have lived the same lives for generations. Always going to the same church as everyone else. Always believing in the same values as everyone else. Always associated with the same type of people. Always sticking to the same nuclear family structure. Always living in the exact same town in the exact same neighborhood on the exact same street in the exact same house. Always falling in line, never changing, always desperately trying to appear normal. Always scrambling to cover up how their delusions are rotting them from the inside out. June, youngest child in the latest generation of Evanescents, does not intend to stay within this cycle. The voice of Omnia Sol has reached them, and they intend to spread the word of God as far as they can. Through the encouragement of two unlikely mentors, they do, but not before angering the traditional church. Petty squabbles turn to more serious altercations and, before long, the town is ripped in two by its beliefs. June hopes to solve this peacefully... but as is said, the road to hell is always paved with good intentions.