After a horrific incident resulting in tragedy, Simeon "Sunny" Joseph Conduit finds his life plummeting into a downward spiral. Blame soon comes from all directions, and his crippling lack of mental clarity certainly doesn't help things. Living in a twisted, deluded form of reality, he must best the odds and overcome what seems to be impossible: he must endure his trial through the court of law where those deciding his fate are entirely against him, make the best of a sun-soaked asylum with deep-rooted sins lurking in the shadows of the chapel, survive the facility's electrifying remedies that are more often torture than treatment, and not let the wretched demons haunting his not-so-long forgotten past destroy him more than they already have. Most importantly, he must find the strength to push past what seems to be the source of all these problems: his own deteriorating mind. Will he be able to conquer all of these hurdles, or will they only make him retreat further into his insanity?