DND Dungeons and Dragons chainsaw man Superhero Magi Magical Girls Elf MOTW Paladin Monster of the Week zombie magical girl Rogue Genasi Bard pirate Cleric Sorcerer omegaverse Tempest Cleric Tiefling Dragonborn Drow Elf Druid glitter hearts superhero virtual angel Fighter Changeling Werewolf Aasimar Devotion Paladin Inquisitive Rogue Wild Magic Sorcerer The Spooky Avariel Elf Divine Soul Sorcerer Supervillain Fallen Aasimar Zombie Apocalypse Eladrin Elf Wizard Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer Warlock Beast Barbarian the dreamer Circle of the Moon Druid Protector Aasimar clown creation bard pathfinder 2e cat girl Virtual Angel High Elf Halfling Dungeon and Dragons Fire Genasi Earth Genasi The Hex Eldritch Knight Apocalypse Survivor Spring Eladrin Dungeons and Dragon Creation Bard Archfey Warlock Swashbuckler Rogue The Divine Lore Bard bard tiefling beastbrood tiefling Dragon Copper Dragon Ranger Water Genasi Conquest Paladin The Spell-Slinger Scout Rogue Monk Way of the Open Hand Monk Invention Wizard Mammon Tiefling Circle of the Land Druid Ancients Paladin the tactician Oath of the Crown dungeons and dragons witch fate patron witch horror Blue Dragonborn Glamour Bard Lightfoot Halfling Gloom Stalker Ranger Eldritch Knight Fighter Artificer Air Genasi Broken Oath Paladin Trickster Cleric Eladrin Dread The Mundane Half Elf Bronze Dragonborn Barbarian the witch Wood Elf the clown Oath of the Crown Paladin dnd pathfinder fate witch final girl Magical Girl