
Meaziis are an Open Species. If you want to make one, check here, or message me for more info~


myo closed species open species my species semi-open species adopt snyails grow your own adopted animal pokemon meaziis pkmn faukiri tinyverse solarclops sona mammal wip anthro second life npc robotic tessarium baabi humanoid cryptid arpg oc ranebopets aermerea generation 3 plotties semi-closed species human baabies mantoids gaiaonline fantasy pokemon reburst pararrin fursona lilo and stitch fadasafara base generated animal crossing monster spectrel ponpons galaxy babies plottie kittybot gachagon foari howltar vtuber soneers sharkie terugami dharkos insect swurlmeleons fenrik pokeplatform stelengel LunEar litous demon cyborg forest folks trabble ringox Galaxy Baby gura slugbi symphony vaniwisp astrolytes elefu space pokemon village semi-closed work in progress robuprawn fauxi wyngro catterwauls pmdu persona leitem shining oasis kaijutopia tengu recycled oc rash-rye spoopy soldier concept drakapon krocy lythbound lavalings shapeshifter goats pkmn-v non rarity traits Custom da group lienri dream eater sweetzies mothitt faunsie yoshi god like nyuchujin kebanzu sphha dracofleur drakonis mantabu semi open species honeysuckles monster girl grum grub sonic oc sugar flyer starrkids