(disclaimer: in this universe, after the Great Turf War, the Squidbeak Splatoon created multiple agent groups named after specials in order to help squid society and to help bring more protection to Inklings/Octolings on the surface. There are at least 10 of them and each group has its own rules, structures, and everything, as decided by the Captain. WaveBreak is the newest group that has been formed.)


WaveBreak is an agent group that was formed by Kiko, who is the captain, and Oats, who is the second in command. Kiko had the idea to create the group when she was fourteen, but the plan came into complete action after her previous group, Inkstorm, had multiple changes to their group to the point where Kiko and Oats didn't see it aligning with their morals. Seeing Inkstorm change so much made Kiko want to make a completely new and unique group, something that allowed all agents to voice their opinions about the current rules and structure of it. WaveBreak is an agent group that's considered a democracy, where agents vote to change, add or even remove certain rules.Â