Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Most of my characters have backstories that can be triggering. It is best to be advised to stay away if you are triggered by the following topics:

  • Gore and guts
  • NSFW
  • S/H or suicide
  • Demonology or religion
  • Swearing and slurs (I as an artist am ONLY using the slurs I may reclaim. Please do not interact with me if you use slurs you cannot reclaim.)
  • Flashing lights or strobe effects
  • Unsettling imagery
If these topics or effects are triggering, I advise you leave my toyhouse. This is my PROPER warning. If you choose to continue, please do not blame me if you are triggered by the content. My toyhouse is a safe place for me and my characters, so I do not want people intruding on my safe space and getting mad at me for their problems or triggers.

With this said, please be advised and be careful. My character profiles have trigger warnings on their pages if needed. Those who don't, don't. Have a good day.

I also use typing quirks like replacing the last s in words with a z, using numbers for letters, and so forth. Here are examples in case this is confusing:



I use the number one sparingly, but I use it frequently when it comes to certain ocs or folders, like my digital/"code" ocs (These are in the works. These folders aren't public yet.)

If these confuse you, they usually come with a translation in comments.

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