hypnos777's Profile Comments

I have to comment because your profile has your sona as vash plushie and I'm obsessed 👑actually I should sub just for that 

good taste should be rewarded. link me a ref and i'll make one for you 


this is my sona all my ocs are auth only so I authorized you 🙏https://toyhou.se/20956895.fenix#63347876

Oh idk if their beak would be too hard I also have Ehmie in my sonas folder

heres a few slightly variations for the beak, you can decide which looks best

one , two , three , four , five , six

OH MY GOSH MY LITTLE GUY HE'S SO GOOBERY🙏🙏 You are a blessing I will cherish this image 


1 Replies

It even says UFO hotline on their coat that's so silly this is the image ever thank you kind stranger 

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yeah i can take a comm, what r u interested in and whats ur budget?

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ok here's a general pricing guide, prices r adjustable so its ok if u need a discount 👍

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not ur pound folder bein /they will soon be baked, save them/ is this guiltripping me into offering for them and taking them? bc its tempting. it is tempting

they were all born in a wet cardboard box and have never felt the warm touch of love and affection in their entire lives. currently, they are all in an inescapable line, rapidly approaching a giant meat grinder, in which they will one by one be swallowed by said machine, and proceed to be brutally crushed and torn apart, so that they may be used as yeast to bake the bread for the ever-hungry dark lord (ben shapiro). will you find it in your heart to save any of them? the choice is yours.

oh no ... it is working. . . . if youd take full usd resales for some?

yess which ones did u have in mind :D

them, them, them, them, them

theyre kiinda listed from most 2 least wnted

i don't remember how much much https://toyhou.se/11557610.livewire and https://toyhou.se/9091667.mars r worth but if u buy https://toyhou.se/9437435.lav for at least $45 then i will give both of them to u for free 

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i didnt know people read those lol thank you !!


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a gift 🤲


holy shit this is exactly what i needed i was just thinking about how badly i wanted someone to send me a picture of bananas on the street!! thank you so much!!!!! <3

just dont comically slip otherwise we'll have a problem on our hands lmao