iciruscity's Bulletins

bulletin subject

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by iciruscity

god holy fuck why whenever i upload an image on this site the image is so gigantic geez is there a way to fix that that i'm overlookinh


Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by iciruscity

i think i've fixed up my character section a little it is not as disorganized now and has some kind of order

i probably need to update some character profiles but not rn maybe another time i get a random dedication and motivation to work on this thing

it is a little cleaner now cool

i also murdered some randos that don't need to exist anymore nobody will even know they existed

got slightly attached to a few of the randos so i let them live

how often am i actually supposed to post bulletins-

eh whatever my profile i do what i want

still don't exactly know what i'm doing but i think i am slightly less confused about all the options so that is a step

what's this

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by iciruscity

best backyardigan (only one correct answer)

1 Votes pablo (correct answer)
0 Votes uniqua
0 Votes tyrone
0 Votes tasha
0 Votes austin (the wrongest answer)

*insert that one song of jack skellington discovering christmas town bc that's what the title of this bulletin made me think of* 

this is me saying:

i have no idea wtf im doing honestly this place is very hard to navigate not sure how active i'll be here i'm kinda overwhelmed by all the options and am very lost trying to figure everything out i've had this acc for some months now but that doesn't mean i have the slightest clue what i am doing

what does half of this stuff mean

like what's css

aaaa i wanna have a cool profile like you guys but i'm too dumb to figure it out oh well

i'm more active on my insta and twt and disc tho if anyone ever wants to talk to me or needs me or whatever
