LDs / SCs

If you’re casually visiting here feel free to ignore all of that below, it’s mostly me explaining myself to a community 

Light Dogs and Shadow Cats are a closed, retired species made by purrwitch / WallyZ and mrgremble respectively 


(v) = Voided (Designs that used to belong to a banned member that became voided to my knowledge)

“ = Re-theme (Changing themes because they used to be a character name / problematic)

•  = Co-owned theme (People I know who gave me permission to keep designs I make from their themes)

^ = Redesign of my theme (Designs I made from themes I own to keep. Can be ^2 and so on)


I don’t intend on profiting off of co-owns/redesigns in any way, it’s just a way for me to have more designs to love on. The only designs I’d possibly sell or trade are the originals, but even then i’m planning on keep them forever homed with me. I have no malicious intentions, they’re for character use and to make me feel happier

There’s people in the community that prefer drawing official designs which is why I have symbols before their names, but it’s also for myself and others to differentiate them. I love them all equally regardless of any official status, but I may have some favorites that keep switching around. Draw who you want

For re-themes, I only really do that for Shadow Cats since there’s a public list, but even then, that public list can be wrong. I try to be respectful about re-themes