All characters

Trade / storage account for inkbone. I don't log into this one regularly.
Types of offers I'll look at are listed in that folder's description.

To make an offer on one of the characters listed on this account...

[PREFERRED] Reply to the comment made (by my inkbone main) on each of the character's profiles

[ONLY IF NECESSARY] Directly PM inkbone on TH
- OR - Directly DM inkbone#9064 on Discord
heads up there may be a delay in my reply! my spoons are eternally low asdhjak

[DO NOT] Direct message me on DA or any other socials not listed here

queerly barladera nybird vivaliis franknstein azraetine marnah Nemenos crystaluniicorn empluvie pirate-reaper ameameridian youngearl77 eat-bugs moilacake unravy morovoi PacificDash franknsteins faunahaunt