
Gems people made out of animated gemstones. They feed off of minerals and are animated through natural magic, meaning artificial gems cannot be made.

Their bodies are entirely mineral but it does not have to be gem. Somewhere on the exterior of their bodies that have a pure gemstone that functions as their brain and heart and is called their heart crystal. If broken they can use the shards the broke off to repair themselves or eat new minerals to build their body back. As long as their heart crystal is not destroyed they can regrow almost entirely as long as they have the materials.

They're born from the heart crystal and appear as a muddled and crunchy looking mess until they or someone else carves them and provides cosmetics to even out their complexions. Gems' bodies regrow themselves so no matter how they shape themselves they'll naturally reform the way they were born so gems need to regularly be carved and polished. Very few gems are mostly gem and most are made up of metals or other minerals with gems scattered throughout. 

Canine design female