intruder's Bulletins


Posted 5 months, 17 days ago by intruder

Free art maybe?yes?

Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by intruder

wellwellwell alrighty then hmm…who wants some free art? you are allowed to comment here or message me if you do and the character you want me to draw. I’ll gladly draw em! May take a while but yes, I’ll draw. It can also be a character from a game that isn’t yours!oorrrr from a show.

All the new oc art I've posted [info]

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by intruder

Those "new" characters i posted have art right? Well yes, it's my art style from 2019. That isn't my art style anymore so please don't be confused! If you want the art style to be like that if i ever do owed or COMMISIONS then that's fine. Overall my actual art style is the stuff I've posted on fumo or on Winchester (some). If you want to point out which one is and isn't it's the circle heads, those are old art (basically all of the art on the "new" characters I've submitted) THAT is not my art style anymore 👍 I'll remove this.. maybe.