kalfish's Profile Comments

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hope you're doing okay 👍 

sorry I haven't kept in touch 

Your birthday was a few days ago and I started making you a gift but I ENTIRELY forgot to say anything about it/finish it argehrhdhr


I see you post and I mean to message you but I always forget agrhhshf

I'm so busy all the time hel

How have you been

What have you been doing 


ME TOO. I see you post something cool and I'm like "OH YEA. I SHOULD. TALK TO THAT ONE" and then ADHD manhandles me into looking at the most random shit

I am also!! busy!! Hatred

I've been decentish. Lot of drama irl that I don't want to deal with

I just started junior year today and it sucks

I fully played through 2 call of duty games and now I cosplay one of the characters

Do you still have insta?? I've been meaning to get it again so hopefully if I do I can remember to actually talk to you more

im going to lose my mind this got buried in my inbox

My life has literally been wake up, go to college, go home, do homework, go to work... and then on the days I dont have school, im usually working on the days I dont have school ug

I started college like two days ago 

yesyes I still have insta yes 

DAMN it got lost in my inbox now

My insta is polar.bear.boy 👍

Do you still want Arella involved in the stories of the linked characters?

No ty! 


Hi! For the characters I faved I can offer ocs from my up for offers folder and waiting folder, but you can also look through my th and find others you like, though I will be tent on them. Fully off limits is the characters with the “DONT” in their description!

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I'm currently shitting

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Oh em gee me too yes lets chat more

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Me too

im officially outta highschool

its great i hated everyone

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1 Replies
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hello chococat enjoyer m,,..


I love chococat I rage everytime I think about how THERES NEVER ANY MERCH OF HIM

FRR i wish there was some like stickers of him idk

look, a woman 

Can they can can can... can.......


pokes you in the side

im trying to play adopt me on roblox but roblox isnt loading on my computer im going to combust

L roblox problems. I don't have those cus I don't play it

nyan nyan nice theme :3

Hooray hooray hooray thank you !!

<p><img src="https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/72581686_KgSqB2aiZivPUTO.png" class="fr-fic fr-dib" width="236.999" height="236.999"></p><p style="text-align: center;"><strong><u><span style="font-family: impact, chicago; font-size: 18px;"><strong><u><span style="font-family: impact, chicago; font-size: 18px;">♦ </span></u></strong>~ BUCK ~ ♦</span></u></strong><br><span style='font-family: "courier new", courier; font-size: 14px;'>he/him</span><span style="font-family: impact, chicago; font-size: 18px;">. 23 yrs</span></p>

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cleaned up a little bit 😋😋