katerpillarwithacode's Bulletins

!! CODE TOS !!

Posted 4 months, 5 days ago by katerpillarwithacode

CODE ToS (last updated - 28/01/24)

— code terms of service for this account (katerpillarwithacode). also crossposted on my main account: katerpillarwithagun. by using any of my codes, you abide to these guidelines:

you may…

  • edit my codes however you see fit, changing colours, switching purposes of tabs, changing tabs to scroll format, ETC. seriously, change the templates however you want!
  • change layouts to serve another purpose. (changing a character code to be used as a user code, or vice versa)
  • frankenstein or fuse my codes with codes made by other coders, only with permission from said code authors. you must credit all coders properly in your frankencode. frankencodes made with any of my codes in them may be redistributed ONLY AS F2U!!
  • (for other coders) take parts of my codes to put in your own layout. i ask you to credit me if you take large parts of my codes.
  • (for other coders) get inspired by my layouts, and implementing specific elements in your own codes.

you may not…

  • take, repost, or use my codes off-site. all of my templates stay on toyhouse.
  • remove my credits. you may move or customize my credits HOWEVER!! they always have to link back to be and be visible.
  • redistribute/repost templates made off of simple edits of my code. this means small changes like changing one section to do another purpose, or changing the colors of it and then redistributing it. this does not include frankensteins, which i am fine with you putting the frankencode up for redistribution (as f2u ONLY + with all code authors credited) or taking inspiration off my codes to include in your own layout.
  • profit off my codes in any way.


  • always edit my codes with WYSIWYG off and code editor on. they will break if not.
  • i edit and make all of my codes on playhouse TH code editor.
  • if a code of mine breaks while editing, i am sadly unable to help you! i ask you to either ask your question to the code help forum thread or, redo the code entirely.
  • if a code of mine has a bug or a typo in the template, please, DM me!
  • for questions about this TOS or my codes, DM me and I will try my best to answer you.
  • thank you for reading my TOS and maybe drop a “read!” in the comments if you have read my tos here :)/nf

happy coding!