DND: Reincarnation

Borrowed from friends description of our current campaign: "In the world of Asharia, eldritch abominations known as the 4, set out from the deep inderbelly of the Underdark to destroy the world of the sentient flesh above. This led a group known as the 7 to grow into the most powerful people on the planet to stop this before it was too late and at any cost. Made up of the: Fighter, the Necromancer, the Artificers (goblin, half-elf), the Sniper, the Warlock, and the Bard. Now, the flesh of the world runs thin. Asharia is slowly coming into contact with our world (earth 2020), and now its up to the new generation to stop The Big Four from ruining our world. These new heroes have inherited the 6 of the 7's power as the original 7 heroes souls have somehow been transfered/trapped? inside these new 2020 heroes. The new heroes: Magnus Stiener, Mary Smith, Carmen Frizz, Jessica Umori, Flik Barrington, and Hope Quinn. As this new group comes to term with the fact that magic is real, they have powers and that evil incarnate is coming to take over their world, they also must deal with the fact that the 7th hero the Bard (Gabriel Kinkaid) has not 'reincarnated' like the rest and besides helping the new heroes get their powers, has fucked off to let them deal with this new threat.