DND: The Frontier

Set 20 years after the world of Asharia and earth smashed together, both planes merged with disasterous consequences. America has come out of their protective bubble, however the God HIM who shielded them from the destruction has been silent since the collapse. In the last 20 years the FBC went from a fledgling magical organization to a cornerstone of the american government, fully integrating into american everyday life. However that 20 years of protection has cost them, as there is fear that american agents are no longer up to snuff to deal with the threats of their new world, and new threats are abundant. Upon comming out of thier bubble 4 major american cities were attacked and lost to Svarnites and the Deep, America has lost contact with most of their major allies, and exploration of this new vast changed world has come to a halt with a mysterious "Signal" jamming all technical communication past 30 miles.  

To combat this the FBC Director Greg, has created a new "Adventuring Program", train new agents to tackle the challenges of this new Frontier. Members of "Team 3" are: Charles Cobb, Sofyia/ Kay, Zilla, Thorek and Thaourog Vordrall, AJ, and Button.