Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Hi there!

I like eyes. Lots and lots of uncensored eyes in places that eyes generally don't belong. Or just lots of eyes in general. This includes my profile page.

If that bothers you, either tread with caution or click off of my page. Sorry :(


#1) I don't endorse nor condone any of the morally gray, morally wrong, questionable, or generally just not good stuff my characters do.
#2) Characters featuring sensitive content are properly marked with a warning. Images of said content also feature an appropriate warning. If i missed something, please let me know and I'll fix it.
#3) I do not censor scars of any origin.

"Sensitive content" INCLUDES...

Alcoholism, abuse, body horror, death, gore, illicit substances, substance abuse, self-harm, sexual themes, suicide, trauma, and anything else i forgot about tbh

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