keeboreal's Bulletins

important !!

Posted 5 months, 19 days ago by keeboreal

Untitled182_20231228022512.png?ex=659f7bim taking offers on most of my ocs again, as well as (money) commissions. i really need money right now!! my art here isn't up to date but i included an updated commission sheet. if you'd like, i can also raw in any art style i've previously used here. i can only take payment through paypal, and elliot + locket are off limits. i don't have a set range for any of my characters but the higher the better! don't be shy to offer if it's an oc i have low attachment to i can go for like ten dollars lol i needd the money

th eo + comms again

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by keeboreal

haii again im putting my entire th eo!! characters in mains are like impossible but u can try 

i also wanna do more chibi drawings so like my most recent art uploads, i would take 10$ pay pal for one or art trade / art for ocs! im kinda picky with trades but woopleele designs r like an automatic 😁 i can do multiple for those (or custom from woope.. mmn(

th eo + comms

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by keeboreal

this is probably dumb decision BUT im free from art debt and miss money 🥺 so umm i may be accidentally taking comms again.. and also putting my whole toy house ufo

for th

my toyhouse is here and all characters are eo! keep in mind that mains folder is extremely tent and mischa is not going Anywhere

u can offer money, art or characters! my most preferred is woopleele designs but i also like other things like sumis, hyunnies, neoshots, select suqabuns and art from any of these creators! + things that are this type of style

for art

pay after completion i guess i can take unlimited because of this! it will take longer the more detailed your oc / style of art u want is

i accept money (pwyw but if ur like me and cant come up with a price anything 10$ and above is is great) and also characters (really like woops and things like that 😁)

more art examples at in ur comment specify ur oc, any details(pose expression etc if u ant) and how much u will be offering/your toy house with offlimits stated

if u have previously offered offer again! i have a lot less stress now and my art block has gone so i can draw more freely now 😁

everyone in th ufo !

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by keeboreal

taking offers on everyone, this is more of a purge tbh i want new characters

most interested in dainty stuff, psypups , sumis , suqabuns , neoshots , nohhs , omutofus , mishs , mincos , that kinda thing

i will look at anything though ! for some im mainly looking for swaps

will also take usd ! dont ask for ranges just offer and ill lyk if i accept