kitsugalaxy's Bulletins

Spring Cleaning! (Characters OTA)

Posted 1 month, 20 days ago by kitsugalaxy

All characters up for offers are over on KitsuGalaxySales

$$$ > Characters > Art 

Will look at any reasonable offer!

Selling one last LV character

Posted 1 month, 27 days ago by kitsugalaxy

Offer on her fell through so she's back up for offers! Feel free to haggle on the price, I am willing to take MUCH lower for her. 

All details in her listing. May also take swaps plus cash.

I shouldn’t have to say it, but here we are. During my account purge, I’ve had a lot of people ask about sonas (which I specifically labeled on the bulletin not to offer in that folder) Some have handled this gracefully when I decline, others… have not.

Needless to say, you’re not entitled to ANY characters on my account, even if they are up for sale. I’m sorry if this comes off as rude, but it’s rude to assume that when a bulletin says “NEARLY” everyone for sale, you’d assume you’re entitled to my sonas.

... Seeing everyone get their ArtFight accounts updated! 

Here's mine:

I'm still updating characters but I'm mostly ready to go! I didn't really participate last year, but I'm coming out swinging, full force this year!

Comment your ArtFight accounts below, I'll follow ya and do some attacks and even some friendly fires as soon as it starts :3

Drop 3 Emojis Below!

Posted 11 months, 23 days ago by kitsugalaxy

I’m making some adopts and I need some ideas!

Today is my BORTHDAY

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by kitsugalaxy

That’s all

I’m 22 now

I feel old

Boundaries Questionare

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by kitsugalaxy

can I ask for your discord? --> Only if we pals/if there's a commission or art trade, or you feel like we'd get along great! I just don't have it public. 

can I draw your characters, alone or with mine? --> Sure! 

can I request character links? --> IDK Why you'd need to- everyone is visable! 

can our characters be friends/enemies/etc --> YESSSSS!

can I ship my characters with yours? --> Ehhhh only if we're friends, and even then, I just prefer to ship characters between myself and my partner ^^

can we play a game together? --> Depends on what game! Always down for some Dead by Daylight tho ^^

can I call you on discord? --> Please ask before! I might be out/busy, but otherwise I'd be happy to chat! 

can I see a picture of you/will you do a face reveal? --> Only if you're lucky enough to see me in person ;3 

can I take inspiration from your art? --> Idk why you would but I guess??? 

can I trace your art? --> No :( Makes me sad

can I take inspiration from your designs? --> I'd prefer if you didn't. I've had clones running around of my OCs before and it makes me really uncomfortable. 

can I co-own a character with you? --> Ehhhhhh I don't really do co-owns outside of some special circumstances. 

are you okay with offers on your characters? --> Everyone for offers is on KitsuGalaxySales, but occasionally I'll do cleanouts here! Just check my bulletins. 

do you do pings? --> Kinda???? Just ask ^^ 

may I put your characters in dreamie folders? --> YES! I love to see which ones of my characters you guys love!

can I offer on the same character multiple times? --> I don't mind! I have bad memory so I probably wouldn't realize it was you offering again lol 

can I DM you? --> Yeah! Go for it ^^

can you authorize me? --> Only if you're a pal of mine/drawing something for me. I've had characters stolen before. Not fun. 

are you open to art/design trades? --> Yeah! Just DM me ^^

what art program do you use? --> Procreate for iPad!

what should I call you? --> Kit or Kitsu works! I respond to either. (My pronouns are they/them as well ^^)

how often do you post adopts? --> Not really ever? I don't really do adopts anymore. 

when do you open commissions? --> I'm open now! I'm just a little slow. 

Kitsu’s 21st Birthday celebration!

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by kitsugalaxy

Hey guys, thought I’d do something cool for my 21st birthday (September 13th) - have your characters celebrate with Kitsu!


Just add your characters in with Kitsu- I’ll edit a big version on the 14th (the day after my birthday)

Just make sure to post it here as a PNG!

Just thought this would be cute- have fun! 

Okay listen here.

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago by kitsugalaxy

EDIT 2: another person affected speaks out-

EDIT: okay I no longer care, this person made a list.

So because someone has let me know about this, I feel like I have to explain myself. Apparently, there's some sort of list going around of "Lupisvulpes Supporters" and I am on there for a reference sheet I have of Kitsu that was shared between friends of mine, until someone leaked it. I have a feeling I know who- I am keeping their name private for their own sake, and I don't want them to get hate. 

Yes, it's by Lup/ChapterTwoCreations.

No, it was not commissioned *after* the whole LV debacle/cancellation.

 It was an agreement Lup and I came to instead of her providing me a refund when everything went down. Why didn't I just ask for a refund? In all honesty, I didn't think I would get one- this was the compromise. 

I've kept it on private since everything happened because people take things way too out of context. Like this!

Also yes- I was made aware of the "Listing for Kitsu" on the ChapterTwoCreations etsy page, however, that was not me. 

Look- block me, I don't really care by this point. Post it on twitter and flaunt it about, cutting out the context. Whatever, I'm at the point of not really caring anymore. I'll slap this reference sheet on Kitsu's profile with a disclaimer, and feel free to take this however you will.

Said reference sheet: