
also known as "crest vultures" - despite this name they are not actually vultures, they are just named such for being usually featherless avian-like creatures, some of which being very carnivorous. these creatures used to be praised as deitys in older times, at least according to folklore. they are also nicknamed raptors, crest raptors, or vulturaptors by some, as they share some similarities to velociraptors.

crestors do not usually have natural feathers - if they do, it's usually herbivores who have them.

crestors can come in two different types, herbivores and carnivores. herbivores are called plant crestors, and carnivores are called flesh crestors. omnivoric crestors can exist, but seem to be rare. having diets is normal for any species, but carnivoric and herbivoric crestors have quite a few differences.

flesh crestors tend to have no feathers and just skin, usually having warm colors like reds and yellows - but almost all of their colors are very faded and desaturated. their talons and fangs are usually sharp, and they tend to have markings on their skin - perhaps they normally had feathers, but with time decided to forgo them? either way, carnivore crestors *can* have feathers, but they usually only have tailfeathers naturally, and if its anywhere else naturally, they tend to be very minimal. if they have fur, fuzz, or even feathers anywhere else, it's usually taken ( generally by force ) from another animal or another of their own - usually a plant crestor, as they are "easy pickings".

flesh crestors tend to be very violent and without mercy, as to survive they have to be like this. due to this, they are cannibalistic, and often do not raise familys or mate with the intent to keep in touch. some carnivorous crestors tend to be less directly aggressive and more cunning - using tricks and deceit to catch prey.

plant crestors tend to be colored in cooler shades - usually blues and greens, that can be vibrant but are often darker colored and slightly faded - and are much much more passive than their carnivorous siblings. they have fur and feathers of which some use to blend in with the environment and hide from predators, and some also use their fur and feathers to attract mates. they generally don't like to hurt any living being for anything other than defense. as such, their talons and teeth are considerably less sharp, and they likely use odd defense mechanisms such as poison saliva or something like that.

plant crestors are much more tame and tend to live in groups and maybe even colonys far more than their more independant siblings. often times herbivorous crestors are a little anxious and paranoid. it seems there are a few reports of carnivorous crestors disguising themselves as a herbivorous one in order to wipe out an entire village and reap the spoils.

crestors possibly have shapeshifting capabilities to explain why like all of them have humanoid forms, but thats prob just an au idk. they probably can shapeshift though bc idrc

( originally called krahsters, but i changed the name bc a; it looks a little dumb ( although crestors arguably looks? weirder? but crest vulture makes more sense than Krah Vulture. although the og species didnt rlly have any relation or full name to vultures ) b; a bad ex-friend made it and i'd like to distance myself from them. as i got the main oc from this species from that person and i have most of the species, i decided to rename it. )

( they're probably related to birds and ergo related to dinosaurs. kind of like some weird inbetween of the two but also not really but also kind of. like velocirapter.. vulture.. birds.. )

( free to create ig who cares it wasn't my original idea anyways. although i'd still like ppl to like comment so i can see them )