Magnati Clan

A town of creation
and creativity.

Magnati Clan

What was once a humble smithing town filled with love and respect for one another has now become an industrialized work force under the hooves of the new Stag. The town of Hliori is a town that has been about for more than two centuries, built by a once small roaming clan that desired settlement. Upon settling in, the clan discovored the rich minerals and metals that lay dormant in their new home and soon they found ways to make use of those rescources. As the years passed, they honed their skills and abilities and expanded their home to accommedate their growing clan. Before long, they became a large center of creativity and creation.

Until recent days, when, upon the arrival of Desmond, their creating became capitalized. Desmond found Hliori and soon defeated the leading Stag, successfully taking over. He saw the potential of this town and soon set to work to making money off of the creations and blacksmithing town. Their labors of love became something to simply sell. With his guidance, he created a rich utopia. Though it was forceful, the people are.. content. Or- it appears to be.

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