Magic Academy

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Magician's Apprentice & the Magic Academy


"Magic is a promise I made to her and myself."

After the death of her master, Kalina finds herself attending the Alanose Magic Academy, where only the noble and rich are allowed to attend, because of Master Ayla’s will. There, she struggles to prove herself worthy of learning magic along with the other students.


Aliquam ornare mauris nec ante fermentum, ac blandit nibh pharetra. Etiam et tellus nisl. In dictum viverra augue. Sed blandit nulla sed lorem pulvinar, quis tristique tellus porta. Mauris felis lectus, vehicula non nunc vel, imperdiet porttitor mauris. Vestibulum vulputate lobortis eros quis pretium. In commodo efficitur rutrum. Phasellus hendrerit lorem in tellus blandit, non tempor purus blandit. Sed sit amet felis mollis, dictum mi eu, congue risus. In hendrerit gravida consequat. Nullam congue ultrices metus. Suspendisse rutrum a justo eget molestie. Praesent et hendrerit leo, id egestas enim.


Aenean a sem at neque aliquet condimentum. Praesent faucibus, risus at ultrices ornare, nunc orci bibendum diam, at dignissim dui risus id eros. Maecenas iaculis massa sed dolor vulputate aliquam. Curabitur sed sodales magna. Nulla est nisi, pharetra at dictum et, porta ac nisl. Fusce vitae euismod sapien, a scelerisque sem. Suspendisse turpis lacus, congue in turpis sed, fringilla egestas leo. Aenean tristique ullamcorper ante, sed convallis lacus vehicula vel.

Quisque eleifend, orci et gravida semper, nibh nisl ullamcorper leo, ac accumsan orci lorem a neque. Duis accumsan orci at egestas egestas. Vivamus id magna augue. Nunc quis maximus ante, id bibendum mauris. Sed tempus purus egestas laoreet euismod. Integer eu sem ac mauris porttitor posuere vitae at felis. Nulla laoreet bibendum diam ac finibus. Integer maximus mauris eu lectus consectetur, eget malesuada nibh sagittis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec massa arcu, rutrum a malesuada aliquam, ullamcorper sit amet libero. Fusce placerat turpis id metus semper ultricies.


Aliquam ornare mauris nec ante fermentum, ac blandit nibh pharetra. Etiam et tellus nisl. In dictum viverra augue. Sed blandit nulla sed lorem pulvinar, quis tristique tellus porta. Mauris felis lectus, vehicula non nunc vel, imperdiet porttitor mauris. Vestibulum vulputate lobortis eros quis pretium. In commodo efficitur rutrum. Phasellus hendrerit lorem in tellus blandit, non tempor purus blandit. Sed sit amet felis mollis, dictum mi eu, congue risus. In hendrerit gravida consequat. Nullam congue ultrices metus. Suspendisse rutrum a justo eget molestie. Praesent et hendrerit leo, id egestas enim.


Aenean a sem at neque aliquet condimentum. Praesent faucibus, risus at ultrices ornare, nunc orci bibendum diam, at dignissim dui risus id eros. Maecenas iaculis massa sed dolor vulputate aliquam. Curabitur sed sodales magna. Nulla est nisi, pharetra at dictum et, porta ac nisl. Fusce vitae euismod sapien, a scelerisque sem. Suspendisse turpis lacus, congue in turpis sed, fringilla egestas leo. Aenean tristique ullamcorper ante, sed convallis lacus vehicula vel.

Quisque eleifend, orci et gravida semper, nibh nisl ullamcorper leo, ac accumsan orci lorem a neque. Duis accumsan orci at egestas egestas. Vivamus id magna augue. Nunc quis maximus ante, id bibendum mauris. Sed tempus purus egestas laoreet euismod. Integer eu sem ac mauris porttitor posuere vitae at felis. Nulla laoreet bibendum diam ac finibus. Integer maximus mauris eu lectus consectetur, eget malesuada nibh sagittis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec massa arcu, rutrum a malesuada aliquam, ullamcorper sit amet libero. Fusce placerat turpis id metus semper ultricies.




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Alanose Magic Academy

A prestigious academy that teaches magic. Many well-known magicians are graduates of this academy and because of this, it’s tuition is very high, making only the rich and nobles be able to pay for it. Scholarships are not accepted.


Elementary school division at the academy.


Middle school division at the academy.


First year high school division at the academy.


Second year high school division at the academy.


Third year high school division at the academy.

Great Magician

A title given to a valedictorian of the academy upon graduating. From this, they have privileges that include: recommending a student to the academy, teacher position at the academy, license to use magical items.

Wyndham Family

A noble family who is talented in wind magic. They are often strict with their heirs and lax with other members. As such, if the heir is acting like they’re not going to fulfil their duties, they will keep an eye on them. Despite being lax on members that are not heirs, they have a set rule that members must marry a noble for generations.

Pietra Family

A noble family who has control of the mineral and gemstone trade. They have a close friendship with the Wyndham Family. They are talented in earth and metal related magic, befitting of their monopoly of the gemstone trade. Despite being a noble family, they are very relaxed and tend to follow their desires instead of upholding their status.

Mezzo Family

A noble family who is talented in magic related to sound and music. They focus mainly on the arts and many members of the family are geniuses in the fields. They are also hard on themselves, often striving to achieve perfection, and focus a lot on talented individuals (especially heirs).

Olea Family

A noble family who is talented in earth magic. They are quite secretive, not really attending any public events and holding very little close relationships with other noble families. They dislike conversing with others majority of the time.

Soleste Family

A noble family who’s nobility status is declining from the past 10 years. Wanting to gain back status, they are trying hard to connect with a high status noble family. They don’t take criticism well and the constant comparison of them to commoners became a berserk button.


Squirrel-like creatures that make their home in the area where Alanose Academy is located. They often take shelther on campus, becoming some sort of pest or cute distraction to students.


Description of term.